

Updates on progress and thoughts along the way

To the Journal...

The Stations of the Gyre

The eight ritual sabbats within the wheel of the calendar are not merely ritual days or opportunities for celebration, but rhythmic structural elements marking apogees, nadirs, and shifts in the energetic cycle of the seasons as our planet progresses in its annual circuit around the sun.   This area features the image from The Enchridion Magistellus, and a portion of the text relating to that image.

To the Gyre...

Wares and Deliverables

Links to the Enchiridion Magistellus: A Visual Handbook of the Witches' Art and related wares and deliverables.

To the market...

Since 1993

About the Enchiridion Magistellus: A Visual Handbook of the Witches' Art

To be announced...



Next Steps...

This is should be a prospective customer's number one call to action, e.g., requesting a quote or perusing your product catalog.